Mentor Meet-Up: September & October

We tout that YPs have access to key leaders in Springfield, and one of the main ways that’s displayed is through mentor relationships. Members of The Network’s Leadership Council have the opportunity to be paired with a member of the Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce Board as a mentor for one year.

It’s an incredible learning opportunity, and we want all of our members to have the chance to learn from them. Starting in July, we have released our new video series once a month called, “Mentor Meet Up!” Each video is under 10 minutes and is designed for you to learn lessons from leaders and a few fun facts about them. In this time of not being able to gather in-person as frequently, we are always looking for ways to keep our members engaged. So we hope you learn something new!

In September, we were able to hear from Joselyn Baldner, Executive Vice President, Chief Retail Officer of Central Bank of the Ozarks, and Bryant Young, Insurance Agent with the Insurors of the Ozarks.

In October, Christina Angle, CFO of Erlen Group and Jenna deJong, Biz 417 Editor with 417 Magazine were our featured mentor-mentee match.

These may be the last Mentor Meet Up videos for now, but stay tuned in the coming months! (hint, hint)

Watch the full video interviews below. Enjoy!